___` our fairytale has ended.
but, a piece of my heart ; will always be w\ youu. (:

Sunday, December 12, 2004

morning,i woke up liao,den go toilet,after dat, on da com... *SIAN* nobody online...XlolX...except fer mi,myself n I... den i go breakfast n eat lor...nth to do...when i came back a few of them came online...hahas....so happy...one of them ish zann hahas...share my thoughts wif her...

afternoon, she is still there fer mi,da sad thing is dat cheryl msg mi but i was like totally ignore her lor...*sigh* i dono why i became like tis man...but we soon quarrel... abt some stupid stuff...haix...den zann told mi not to be sad things like dat lor...haix...sounds like all my fought...haix...den she console mi n i didn't even tink abt cher...she sae "her wound ish healed, but her scar ish still there...haix...failure...but after dat abt 2 plus she msg mi again...den she sae she goin out,den ask mi along...but i thought it is something bad...cos we were goin to rachel's hse...haix...i'm soo bad lor...too sensitive liao le...but i did go meet her...at orchard...den i was late liao cos da mrt at dohby ghaut ran away...xlolx...den i was late liao..so i msg her sorry...den she sae dat her bro's mp3 stuck...xlolx...so she told mi to huury lor...so i went reach there liao but coudn't see her...i msg her...sae dat wad colour shirt are u wearing...xlolx..she reply back...wad colour shirt are u wearing??? xlolx...-__-" hahahas...den i saw her..hahas...seems like things doesn't turn out dat way...but it turn out to be good...thnx god...heeheex...so i meet her liao den walk together...but rachel sae she coming..xlolx...was so long..den i told cheryl dat her mp3,hahas...den she rememnber..i also dono how to do...do i called darryn up..cos he got da same mp3 as cher'bro...hahas...den he taught mi how to reset..so i told cheryl how to reset...xlolx...dono wad she use to reset..xlolx...didn't notice...hahahas...den rachel was not dere yet so i chat wif cher fer a while...den sit there tok tok...chit chat lor...hahas...

. still missing eu` . 11:56 PM

Friday, December 10, 2004

todae is a dae fer k-box....haix...let mi start te story...kkz..da beginning of da story is we were meeting at somerset mrt station at 1....xlolx...N i was da onli one at there..but later on...cheryl,her bro n chalene arrive at around 2...xlolx....den was waiting fer royston hahas...he went fer drama class...den i could see da expression of cheryl mood...haix..she seems to be unhappy abt something...when we reach cineleisure,cheryl wanted to cal rachel come...but rachel was working...xlolx...den i dono wad cheryl is unhappy abt haix...so later on...cheryl n charlene quarrel because of whu?!?!?!? xlolx...whu knows...hahas...so charlene went away...den royston called mi..xlolx...he was late..so i told him to hurry...but i dono wher cheryl went to? haix...but i tink she went home..yup...in facvt she did...hahas..den i contacted charlene n i meet her at cine kfc...she is also not in good mood...den royston finally arrive...xlolx...in the end i,royston n charlene was together...haix...we PS cheryl...so we ask cheryl back...N darius were be paying fer her cab...haix...but we ask darius to come cineleisure liao...haix...n cheryl is on her way...but everything went not smoothly..haix...i hate myself fer abandoning cher...haix...den cher reach cine again liao..cos she jus now went home...den she is eating at kfc we saw her..but she never tok to charlene n royston when they came to cher...so they jus walk off..n we went to plaza sing without informing cheryl..haix..she called everyone...but i didn't answer her phone..haix..i'm so bad...n we were enjoying ourselves at plaza singapura den she was sad abt todae..haix...charlene cried at cyber...haix...n i heard dat cheryl cried too...haix...nobody wans it these thing to happen....todae is jus a sad sad day...sorry cheryl.....=(

. still missing eu` . 12:39 AM

Sunday, December 05, 2004

check out liao....den breakfast ...den fer our church service...n dat is it fer todae....yea...

. still missing eu` . 5:44 AM

Saturday, December 04, 2004

sat 4/12

todae is some sort of a last dae liao...erm...went fer water games...den all thosde stuff..

haIX....so sian...dun type liao..erm...newae...todae is when cheryl return from genting liao...hahas...so happy...wish i could see her now...heeheex...erm...tired...buaix

. still missing eu` . 12:42 AM

Friday, December 03, 2004

fridae 3/12

erm..we woke up..beri early on da second dae..n we do quiet time..i done it wif lian kai..den after dat we went fer our breakfast...hahas...

after breakfast...we went fer our worship 2 N our session 2 by paster kai kong..the title is "RENEWAL OF UR FAITH"abt chicken essence n christian essence hahas..every body drank da chicken essence but i never even touch a sip...xlolx..but at last everyone chose christian essence hahas... den went fer discussion on wad is thought todae...hard dae fer mi sia..cos i was down there dae dreaming...xlolx...but i still continue...den we went fer our lunch,hahas...nice food yea...

den we went fer our BP STAION...dono wad it means..hahas..but it is 2 ball games....its basketball n captain"s ball...hahas...beri fun lehx...heeheex...we played fer 4 hours sia...den my sis was injure because..i tink she fell of something...cos i was not at da incident hahas...i was not injure lehz..den we prepare our talentime preparation...hahas..my group ish " da angelic blues" yea...hahas...nice name...den we are performing a "1 word choir" its difficult though but we tink of n idea...it was write da words in da paper,den put on our hand hahas....clever sia...

AGAIN, we went fer dinner, den worship 3, session 3A by "REV JOHN LOONG" title of todae: "REDECATING YOUR LIFE" 2 CORINTIANS 5:18-21.After dat we haf our discussion...

HAHAS....here comes our most exciting events at night.................."INDIANA JONES" YEA...wow was damn fun sia ...hahas...each one were carring a bible n a group can onli has two torches..xlolx..alot of our group members never bring,including mi hahas...den we were given clues on da bible mus look around da college to find stuff hahas...but among da 4 groups..we thought dat we was first...but we came in 3rd sia..luckily we are not last..hahas...da game finish at 11.30....xlolx..so late..hahaz..den we went fer supper, den to wash up...hahas...den 'LIGHTS OUT!!!' sleeping....

. still missing eu` . 12:01 PM

Thursday, December 02, 2004

2nd december 2004 8.00 a.m

its da dae of camp...woke up on 8 a.m, bathe,etc...den after dat i went to "mustafa centre" which is da onli 24 hrs shopping centre neaR my hse...its jus onli abt 5 mins walk...i went there wif two of my cousins...wow..we were like carring so much things fer da camp...luckily,there's a place fer to keep our stuff...so we went in and bought some clothes..a nit Ex though...hahaz...


OopPSsYy...we mus reach church my 9.30...but we were still inside da shopping centre choosing clothes..xlolx...so we haf no time so we jus grab any shirt n a bermuda n ran ahead fer da cashier...n it went "oh my" cos all da cashier within those floor was not available..xlolx...so we kept running around there like nobody business...hahas...later on, we reach church at about 10....xlolx...the lucky thing is dat they would set off at 11 to 12...hahaha...

12 plus...

WE reach an international sch which is rachel's sec 3 sch...xlolx....we stay at dormitory..hahas..the room ish fer one person...cos it has onli a bed...xlolx...den they give us a mattress to sleep lor...hahaz..

yup...den we introduce ourselves...but there were onli 42 campers...hahas..dat should be enough liao le...den went fer lunch,dinner,worship,session 1 by "aunty lucy",supper,wash up den quiet time N last but not least LIGHTS OUT!! yeah!! sleep liao...nice dae larhs...hahas...

. still missing eu` . 11:27 PM

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

todae erm..in da morning...quite happy de...cos da person whom i loved msg mi..hahas..she went to genting liao le...haiz...but i still receive a msg before she depart...hahas..was so happy...

but later on i went to sch to know my sec 3s class...haiz..was so sad...i'm separated frm lots of mine classmates..but still haf lots of new classmates le...hahas...hai hao larhs..

den in da afternoon i went to bugis again....xlolx..cos yesterdae buy the shirt too big liao..so go change lorx...hahas..den also go take neos...hahas...was so fun todae...

N one thing ish dat i got jay's vcd...all of his album...woah!! dat was so cool...

erm..will be going fer church camp 2morow...yeah!!! until sundae...den go fer church service...hahas...i love camps....yeah...haiz..wish she can go..but she went to genting liao....heeX...nvm...haf a safe trip...buaiz...erm...neWae....taufik rawkZzZz.....WwWoOOOoaAaHH!!!!!!!!!yeah!!!!!U RaWKzZZZzzz.....

. still missing eu` . 10:22 PM

[[ ab0ut-me.` ]]
. name : joelyaplq
. Age: 14
. Gender: male
. Astrological Sign: Aquarius
. Born in the Year of the: Snake
. Industry: Student
. Location: Singapore
. Interests: likes to play basketball cycling(fell far too much time le rarely cycle now =p) swimming walking n doin lots of sports...:)
. Favorite Movies: lots lorx...the incredibles n lots of horror movie such as(shutters the doll master n etc..) n the polar express..yeah!!!
. Favorite Music: er.... *jay~~Qi li xiang Jie Kou dou jiang you diao Endless road...n so on.. *5566~~Shou Huo chuan shuo chun zai fer u feng yun pian se(rawks) wo nan guo ai qing man you ETC.. *got a lot....lyk~~7 yrs n 50 daes moonlight shadow first ladi never be replaced(FER MOI DEAR DEAR..HAHAS) wang le ai(toro)

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